Mohler vs. Mormonism
Dr. Al Mohler debated Orson Scott Pratt (LDS author) on the subject Are Mormons Christians? here.
If you have a chance, you should also read the comments here. They are very interesting.
Labels: Cults, Evangelism
"If the Church is not in possession of truth, truth as an understanding that corresponds exactly to what is in reality, and...exactly to what is in the will and character of God, then it has been left speechless. It has nothing to say" (David Wells). But never forget: "Divine Truth is immortal, and though it may long be bound, scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified and laid in a grave, yet on the third day it will rise again victoriously and will reign and triumph eternally" (Hubmaier).
Dr. Al Mohler debated Orson Scott Pratt (LDS author) on the subject Are Mormons Christians? here.
Labels: Cults, Evangelism
Read here about the Christians in Uzbekistan who are being "beaten, threatened, fined and imprisoned" by the Uzbeki government.
Labels: Persecution
Thomas Sowell writes a great article about how our culture exalts people who seek attention rather than those who achieve something.
Labels: Culture
Labels: Ministry
This has got to be one of the craziest things I've ever seen (the only thing crazier, I think, is Shark Week on Discovery).
Labels: Miscellaneous
If you have encountered the revival of atheism going on in the last few months and been disturbed here is a helpful refutation of one of the revival's leaders, Richard Dawkins, and his book The God Delusion by Dr. William Lane Craig.
Labels: Evangelism, Science
Desiring God Ministries is putting all of John Piper's books on sale here for $5 on June 27-28 only!
Labels: Miscellaneous
I absolutely love what Brett Kunkle of Stand to Reason is doing with high school students, taking them to places like Berkeley, California and Salt Lake City, Utah on apologetic missions trips.
Labels: Christian Life, Evangelism, Missions
Using I just finished a quick study of the one another commands in the NASB New Testament and this is what I discovered:
Labels: Christian Life, Ministry
I was searching around the 9Marks website and found this page where they have three articles by David Powlison on What is wrong with the therapeutic approach to counseling?, What Distinguishes Biblical Counseling from other Methods? and What Questions Does a Biblical Counselor Suggest We Ask?
Labels: Christian Life, Ministry
Labels: Miscellaneous
"Our power is not in having small groups, or meeting the felt needs of our target audience, or using the right evangelism program, or having funny skits, or providing plenteous parking, or targeting our ministries to postmoderns. Our power is in our unique message--the Gospel (27).The introduction and conclusion alone are worth the retail price. Overall, the book is divided into four sections that help the reader deliberately apply the gospel to the growing of a church, the gathering of a church on Sunday, the choice of elders and the elders meetings.
Labels: Book Review, Ministry
It is for reasons like this that voting is so critical.
"This is just one example of how the president puts ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families, just one more example of how out of touch with reality he and his party have become," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., told the Take Back America conference of liberal activists Wednesday."Call me crazy, but further funding projects that have offered NO evidence for success seems to me to be the definition of putting ideology before science, politics before the needs of our families and being out of touch with reality.
Labels: Science, World News
"Balthasar Hubmaier was a participant in the Anabaptist wing of the Reformation for less than three years. Baptized in Waldshut [Germany] on Easter Saturday, April 15, 1525, he met his death at the stake in Vienna on March 10, 1528. In that limited time his writings and public activity gained him a well-earned reputation as the most learned and the most gifted communicator among the Anabaptists. He did not stand in the middle of the Anabaptist movement, but was without contest that most able theologian and the most visible among the leaders of those first years" (Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism, 15).
I found out here that Ed Welch has been blogging at the Society for Christian Psychology website. All of his posts are together on one web page here.
Labels: Christian Life
If you struggle with what to do for family worship time, here is a short and helpful article that gives some good advice by Don Whitney, the author of such excellent books as Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, How Can I Be Sure I'm a Christian, and 10 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health.
Labels: Christian Life, Family
"The choice of the title for tis book--Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism--does not intend to suggest that Hubmaier was the only theologian, or the normative theologian, of the Anabaptist movement...[but his] place in the first generation of the broad [Anabaptist] movement is unique. He is the only figure of his generation with university credentials, the only one with extensive public activity before joining the Reformation, the most skilled in popular expository writing" (13).I hope you enjoy learning about this great, though oft neglected, reformer of the 16th century who some think would've been appreciated on the level of Luther and Calvin had he not been martyred.
1. Expositional PreachingWhile reading the first five chapters, the one thought that kept coming to my mind was "Thank God for the seminary I went to (The Master's Seminary) because from day 1 and for all 4 years, these values were firmly and effectively hammered into our brains so that the first 5 chapters ended up being a very good review.
2. Biblical Theology
3. The Gospel
4. A Biblical Understanding of Conversion
5. A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism
6. A Biblical Understanding of Church Membership
7. Biblical Church Discipline
8. A Concern for Discipleship and Growth
9. Biblical Church Leadership
"We need to see an end to a wrong, shallow view of evangelism as simply getting people to say yes to a question, or to make a one-time decision. We need to seen an end to the bad fruit of false evangelism. We need to see an end to worldly people having assurance that they're saved just because they once took a stand, shook a hand, or repeated a prayer. ... We need to see the end of this debilitating, deadly coldness to the glorious call to tell the Good News. And we need to see a renewed commitment to, and joy in, the great privilege we have of sharing the Good News of Christ with the lost and dying world around us" (143-4).The chapters I liked most were 6, 7 and 8 on church membership, church discipline and a healthy church's concern for discipleship and growth.
Labels: Book Review, Ministry
I just found out here that one of my professors and a great man, Dr. Harold O.J. Brown, is quite ill with cancer and in need of healing and wisdom for what to do now.
"In premodern societies, the sacred was a matter-of-fact part of life; in modern societies, God has been excluded from public life, pushed to the margins of relevance, and made to live out his life, as it were, underground and out of sight" (27).I tend to point my finger at the our American culture and say "This your problem," but I've recently been thinking that this is a real problem in the American church.
Labels: Christian Life, Ministry, Prayer
Click here to read a short article about three pastors who were arrested for distributing toys and candy to children.
Labels: Persecution
Here is an article about man seeking asylum in the U.S. because he would be tortured in Egypt for being a Christian.
Labels: Islam, Persecution
I deeply covet your prayers. I just spoke to my friend who invited me to come teach and preach this summer in Ukraine. I will be leaving July 19th and returning August 4th.
Labels: Biography
Please read this excellent exposition of Ephesians 2:11-22 by Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman, Thabiti Anyabwile.
"And this passage promises far greater unity than we might imagine. It speaks directly to unity across racial and ethnic lines. This should make us zealous in our pursuit of multi-ethnic unity in the church. It tells us plainly that racism is completely incompatible with following Jesus. The two are oil and water, mutually exclusive. I wonder if the cross holds out far more power than we actually preach and emphasize."
Labels: Bible Study, Ministry
Labels: Ministry
I listened to an excellent message yesterday on being a man in the home from the 2007 Grace Community Church men's conference, where Pastor Mike Fabarez spoke briefly about our culture's hatred for men (misandry) and the resulting dirth of positive role models in our cultures.
Labels: Culture
Persecution is still alive and doing very well. Please pray for this pastor, his wife and three kids.
Labels: Islam, Persecution
Labels: Theology
Many of you have asked or heard me talk about my year or two doing street witnessing at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica. I absolutely loved it, and wish I could get up there more to help out.
Labels: Evangelism, Ministry
Follow this link to download the mp3s from Grace Community Church's (John MacArthur) 2007 Men's Conference where John MacArthur, Alex Montoya, Mike Fabarez and Phil Johnson spoke on the topic "Time to Act Like Men" with reference to God, the world, the home and the church.
Labels: Christian Life, Gender
" is certain that man never achieves a clear knowledge of himself unless he has first looked upon God's face, and then descends from contemplating him to scrutinize himself. For we always seem to ourselves righteous and upright and wise and holy...unless by clear proofs we stand convinced of our own unrighteousness, foulness, folly, and impurity" (I:37).And (see if you think Calvin is a Christian Hedonist here)...
"...until men recognize that they owe everything to God, that they are nourished by his fatherly care, that he is the Author of their every good, that they should seek nothing beyond him--they will never yield him willing service. Nay, unless they establish their complete happiness in him, they will never give themselves truly and sincerely to him" (I:41).And...
"...wherever you cast your eyes, there is no spot in the universe wherein you cannot discern at least some sparks of his glory" (I:52).And boy did this cut me when I read...
"For nothing is more preposterous than to enjoy the very remarkable gifts that attest the divine nature within us, yet to overlook the Author who gives them to us at our asking" (I:59).And I loved this, praying "God give me the eyes to see this"...
"In short, there is nothing that [God] does not temper in the best way" (I:61).And finally...
"For as rashness and superficiality are joined to ignorance and darkness, scarcely a single person has ever been found who did not fashion for himself an idol or specter in place of God. Surely, just as waters boil up from a vast, full spring, so does an immense crowd of gods flow forth from the human mind..." (I:65).So far, I absolutely loved Calvin's examination and condemnation of the unbeliever's heart (I:43-69). It was masterful, and very helpful for evangelism!
Labels: John Calvin
If you didn't know it already, there is a revival of atheism going on in the West, advanced by such books as The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and the New York Times Bestseller God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens (go here for a great refutation of this theses here).
Labels: Evangelism
I first heard about the amazing phenomena described in this news article on the February 19, 2006 Stand To Reason show when Greg Koukl interviewed J.P. Moreland about the explosion in Muslim evangelism through signs and wonders.
Labels: Evangelism, Missions
Some short excerpts from an important development in missions reported on here:
...many from Africa, Asia and Latin America, part of a growing trend of preachers from developing nations coming to Western Europe to set up new churches or to try to reinvigorate old ones.And
The phenomenon signals a fundamental shift in the power, style and geography of Christianity, the world's largest religion. Most of its more than 2 billion adherents now live in the developing world.And...
Churches in countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, South Korea and the Philippines have sent thousands of missionaries to Europe to set up churches in homes, office buildings and storefronts. Officials from the Redeemed Christian Church of God, a Pentecostal church based in Nigeria, said they have 250 churches in Britain now and plan to create 100 more this year. Britain's largest church, run by a Nigerian pastor in London, attracts up to 12,000 people over three services every Sunday.What does this say about Christianity in the West?
"If two people hope to consider themselves of the same faith, they need to agree on their definition of the Almighty God. If they cannot agree on this vital point, they would be deceiving themselves and others to say that their faiths are the same" (23).There is NOTHING about our conceptions of the Bible, God, Jesus and the gospel that are similar, and these are NOT peripheral issues. This is the heart of Christianity. You disagree with these things, and you can call yourself an evangelical, but doing so is the same as me calling myself an iguana just because we both have superficial similarities (e.g., eyes, skin, nose, finger nails, legs, etc.).
Labels: Cults, Evangelism, Mormonism
In light of Dr. Beckwith's conversion to Roman Catholicism, Dr. Carl Trueman, from, will be offering "a few areas where Protestants can learn from Catholics, or share common ground" here, while next month he will write about some places where Protestants must part company with Catholicism.
Labels: RCC
"Holsinger's role on the national Judicial Council of the Methodist Church also is proving to be a source of concern for gay rights groups. He cast a dissenting vote in 2004 in a decision on whether to retain a pastor who was lesbian. The majority agreed to maintain her position. Last year, he also favored a pastor who wanted to block a gay man from joining his congregation. "He has a pretty clear bias against gays and lesbians," said Christina Gilgor, director of the Kentucky Fairness Alliance, a gay rights group."If this is not religious discrimination by homosexual activists I don't know what is. Her words demonstrate a pretty clear bias against Christians, especially those who disagree with her.
Labels: Homosexuality, World News
Labels: Christian Life
For those of you, like me, who are almost if not totally ignorant of Eastern Orthodoxy, Robert Letham has written a new book called Through Western Eyes: Eastern Orthodoxy: A Reformed Perspective, to help us.
Labels: Eastern Orthodoxy, Evangelism
If you have not seen this yet, I think it is a wonderful example of the Proverb, "A fool's anger is known at once, but a prudent man conceals dishonor" (12:15).
Labels: Miscellaneous
Click here to download a free book by Jonathan Edwards consisting of his three most famous sermons -- Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God, A Divine and Supernatural Light, and his farewell sermon.
Labels: Jonathan Edwards, Media