Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Abortion linked to Illegal Immigration?

Is there a link between our country's need for immigration and abortion? This article says a recent GOP panel on immigration asserts as much.

While no Democrats signed the report, citing this conclusion as ridiculous and embarrassing, Republican representative and committee chairman Ed Emery put it like this: "We hear a lot of arguments today that the reason that we can't get serious about our borders is that we are desperate for all these workers. You don't have to think too long. If you kill 44 million of your potential workers, it's not too surprising we would be desperate for workers."

Actually, the article says the number is more like 47 or 48 million abortions since 1973, or over 1.4 million abortions per year for the past 33 years. Is that really a ridiculous and embarrassing conclusion? It seems like simple math to me: Number needed for the work force minus 44-48 million equals a massive need fill the 44-48 million person gap in the work force.

I think abortion is evil because it takes the life of a human being who did nothing to deserve it's life being taken. He or she did not forfeit their right to life by some action (like murder does), but forfeited it by being inconvenient. Death for murder makes sense, is justifiable, and if you're a Christian it's biblical (cf. Gen 9:6). Death for inconvenience makes no sense and is totally unjustifiable and unbiblical.

Also, my problem with abortion is that it's a euphemism. When said, the word "abortion" conjures up images of protesters and picket signs, or maybe confused and hurting women. However, these images are not of abortion, but they're images of the effects of abortion--angry people, depressed people, etc.

So, what does "abortion" really mean? What is an abortion? What happens in an abortion? What image should come to my mind when I hear the word "abortion"?

Find out by clicking the title of this post above or here, and if you want to watch all parts of the video (which I highly recommend), click here.

It is absolutely critical that you see what an abortion is so that you know what you're agreeing or disagreeing with. Empty slogans like "A woman's right to choose" need to be understood as a woman's right to choose to do what you will see above.

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