Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How Would Jesus Vote?

Here are two political ads posing as news articles to sway Christian voters, especially at least, the first one. Click here and here to read both salon.com articles.

My response: As evangelical Christianity has become more and more enculturated with the result that our God, Savior, churches and Bible are now tools of manipulation in the hands of pundits and politicians, it's pathetic, but not surprising that the world sees us more as a voting block than a driven, compassionate, articulate, winsome, sold-out group of Christ's followers who just happen to vote once every two years. Should I expect this will happen though, considering the nature of our political system?

Before Constantine and after the Reformation much of Christianity was known for being counter cultural, but it seems Christians in the West have been conquered by the culture. At least, that's what I see in the first article with the pastor who "runs his church services like a rock show."

Also, it's no wonder they're being manipulated by Rep. Ford. He's using the same tactic on them that the pastor is using on his church. Rep. Ford is saying, "If I like Jesus, they'll like me." The pastor's saying, "If they like me, they'll like Jesus"--both are the classic bait & switch that's everywhere in our culture.

Why are we just another voting block that's either pandered to for votes, or depicted as the enemy of a different voting block to garner their vote when we're opposed? Both sides are using us!!! Agh!!! I just pray that in my own heart and in the life of that church, we'll get off the fence between the culture and Christ, and live a life inflamed with the majesty and glory of God in all things.

By the way, to answer the question above: Jesus wouldn’t vote because what king’s want kings get.

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