Sunday, November 05, 2006

Haggard Gay-Sex Scandal Conclusion

Mike Jones' allegations were true, and Ted Haggard publicly admitted it this morning when his letter was read to New Life Church. You can read his statement here.

His confession and apology was so refreshing to read. Here is a man who admitted to and owned his sin, which is so much different than the politicians and celebrities (has anyone of these home-wrecking celebs publicly apologized, or just live like they ate a sandwich and not ruined lives). I hope someone far more clever than me contrasts his apology with John Kerry's.

Please analyze this statement my Jones: "It made me angry that here's someone preaching about gay marriage and going behind the scenes having gay sex." Many gay people oppose gay marriage! What does the one (gay affair) have to do with the other (gay marriage)? Jones' motivation was PURELY political, and he freely admits it. I bet he gets a book and/or movie deal out of this.

I hope everyone who reads Ted's statement realizes that rebelling against a position you hold to be true (i.e., homosexuality is a sin) doesn't mean (1) he really supports the position (as his statement clearly shows), or (2) the position is false. His actions say nothing about the morality of homosexuality or same-sex marriage. They are morally wrong regardless of Ted Haggard, or anyone else. If same-sex marriage should be legal because Ted Haggard was having a gay affair, should it be illegal if he wasn't? When did Ted Haggard's private life dictate public policy? Am I missing something here?

In his statement, the part that impressed me most was this: "Please forgive my accuser. He is revealing the deception and sensuality that was in my life. Those sins, and others, need to be dealt with harshly. So, forgive him and, actually, thank God for him. I am trusting that his actions will make me, my wife and family, and ultimately all of you, stronger. He didn’t violate you; I did." Amazing! That anyone would say that, I think, shows the work of God on their heart.

However, I am most impressed with Gayle Haggard's, Ted's wife's, statement. It is clearly heart-felt and Christ-centered. You can tell she has a real relationship with God. Please read it here. What an impressive woman!!!

It's obvious from his statement that he was living a secret life of sin that consumed him. Unlike Mike Jones who flaunts his "lifestyle," Haggard was clearly conflicted and deeply hated the "repulsive and dark" things he's been "warring against" it all his adult life. There is a lot that needs to be fixed in his heart, so he still needs our prayers, as does his family and New Life Church.

The best line to end this series of posts on is the last line of Mrs. Haggard's statement: Ted "is now the visible and public evidence that every man (woman and child) needs a Savior."

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