Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sin Inside Me

I was hit hard the other night by something Kris Lundgaard wrote in his great little book, The Enemy Within. This is my fourth time through the book, and I don't know why it had such a profound impact this time, but it did.

He writes, "the better you know [indwelling sin], the more you will hate it; and to the length that you abhor will grasp for grace against it" (33-34).

I understood the more I knew sin, the more I'd hate it, but I stopped there. It was a two-step process for me, instead of the three-step process of (1) knowing sin, (2) hating sin, and (3) the depth of my prayer for grace to fight my sin.

If I'm not praying for help against my sin, it's because I don't hate it enough. And, I don't hate it enough because I don't really know it like I should. Or, I don't hate it because I've made peace with my sin, and nobody fights what they're at peace with.

This is about praying against your sin and for grace as a preemptive strike before sin even shows up for battle.

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