Postings on Proverbs 12:26
"One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray" (ESV)
Reading the first line of this passage was convicting. I have very little interaction with my neighbors. Now, "neighbor" is more than the people living on my block. Whoever I interact with is my neighbor, which deepens the conviction :/
Who? The righteous vs. The wicked
What? Guide to his neighbor vs. His way leads them astray
Where? Anywhere
When? Anytime
Why? ???
How? ???
I read this as a test on myself, am I guiding my neighbors down good paths? The answer is No because I don't even know them.
However, Waltke sees it differently: "The proverb admonishes extreme caution in choosing one's confidential friend because living in the context of wickedness leads one away from the path of life into that of death" (541).
The word "guide" means to search out, "denoting a careful, diligent, and penetrating examination in order to find what is concealed" (542), and, the word translated "neighbor" means "personal adviser or close friend" (542). So, this proverb counsels us to have our eyes wide open for people who are loyal and bring them close, make them your close friends.
If your eyes aren't open for this, you may be in danger for bringing wicked people close to you. Why? Because they are taking you where they're going already ("them" refers to "the wicked," not "the one who is righteous").
In other words, "there is actually a contrast between knowing where one is going (with the ability to lead others in the right direction) and being lost" (Longman 279).
Righteous people are out for the good of other people. They are not cul-de-sacs, keeping all their blessings to themselves; they are highways bringing their blessings to other people.
Who are you? Who are the people around you? Take this seriously. Are you a guide to the blind, leading them to Christ, or are you following the blind, leading you astray?
I hope that helps! TII!!!
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