Postings on Proverbs 12:19
How do truthful lips endure forever? Millions of truthful lips have come and gone. Maybe "lips" is a metaphor for what they say because truth is truth no matter the time or place. Maybe it's that "truth endures forever, and lies last for a moment." So, why bring up lips? Maybe because you can't have truth and lies without lips to propagate them.
Who? Anyone
What? endure forever vs. last for a moment
Where? Anywhere
When? Anytime
Why? Truthful vs. lying lips
How? ???
The wisdom here, at first, was hard for me to see (Proverbs don't give up their gems easily -- 3:13-18), but were some obvious things that helped me out. First, that telling the truth is better than lying. This is seen in that lasting forever is better than lasting for a moment. Second, as a chiasm, the emphasis in this couplet is on the time duration, not the type of lips.
The wise person tells the truth because she understand that telling a lie may benefit her for a little while, but it won't in the long run. It won't last forever. It will be found out eventually, and she'll be exposed as a liar.
Truth, on the other hand, has no expiration date. There's no reversal of fortune for truth. There's no 'Ah ha!' moment where someone's caught. Truth stands while all the lies have their day and then cease to be. My former
pastor, John MacArthur, used to tell us "Time and truth go hand in hand;
given enough time the truth will come out" and he may have deduced that
idea from this proverb.
If that's that case, then what are you lying about right now? Wouldn't it be best if you exposed it rather than someone else? Avoid being exposed; tell the truth.
I hope that helps! TII!!!
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