Friday, August 31, 2007

2007 Gospel Coalition Conference

I don't know when they got the 2007 Gospel Coalition audio and video up, but it is. This was a conference earlier this year at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (one of my alma mater) where D.A. Carson, Tim Keller and John Piper discuss the implications of the gospel for all of life and ministry.

What are they all about? In their own words, "We are a fellowship of evangelical churches deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures."

If these topics and/or speakers interest you, click on these links to download the audio or the video:
Also, if you have a slow internet connection you can listen to the messages online without download. The plenary sessions here, the panel discussion here, the interviews here, and the workshops here.

I just started listening to them, and I hope they'll be as much of a blessing to you as they are to me. If you're not sure where to start, start with Dr. Carson's "What is the Gospel?" and Dr. Piper's "The Triumph of the Gospel..." in the plenary sessions.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Intimacy with God

I cannot wait to read this book because I so desire what the title says: Communion with the Triune God.


Did You Know?

Did you know that during this week in history...?
  • The Temple was destroyed by the Romans (70 AD)
  • Augustine died (430)
  • John Bunyan died (1688)
  • Charles Finney was born (1792)
  • Mother Theresa was born (1910)
For more events, click here.


Evaluating Mormonism

Thank you to the people at for posting this article by the often maligned, yet extremely biblical, careful and well-reasoned James White on Mormonism.

In a footnote, he references an excellent movie on one of the parts of the Book of Mormon called The Book of Abraham. You can watch the movie here, and I highly suggest you do--especially if you know, or if you are a Mormon (if there was information like this about Christianity, I'd want to know it).


Pride, Pleasure and Pragmatism

Read this week's Taste & See by John Piper, but more importantly heed the warning.

Oh may God protect me from the sins of pragmatism, pleasure in wickedness and pride!!!

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Mohler on Mother Theresa

Dr. Al Mohler insightfully comments on Mother Theresa's religious doubts and struggles here.

The title of the post bottom line's it well: Rest is found when you trust Christ, not your feelings.

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Sovereignty & Suffering

Thank you to Between Two Worlds for posting this convicting and inspiring video. Take 7 minutes and watch it.

I get angry when there's traffic, or my order isn't right at a restaurant, or there's too much noise in the office. I fail to see all of these things as the gracious hand of sovereign providence in my life for my good and to advance God's glory.

I am so convinced by this man's testimony, and so grateful for the Savior who saved me from this constant sin in me.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

If You Speak Russian...

If you happen to be blessed enough to understand Russian (or know someone that does), I want to make you aware of some invaluable resources by John Piper.

These are Russian versions of some of his best books in pdf format, fully downloadable and completely FREE:
I hope you're able to take advantage of these important and enjoyable books.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thoughts from the Valley

I read this in The Valley of Vision today and had to share it here:
"My trials have been fewer than my sins."
For those, like me, who often think bad things happen to me because of bad things I do, I need to hear this.

My life, trials or not, is so saturated by grace all I should do, all day, is thank God.

If you don't have this book, buy it. If you don't have the money, sell something and buy it. You will never regret it.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adult Stem Cells Heal Stuff???

Here is yet another story about the medical value of adult stem cells. Why don't I hear about this in the news?

This is more evidence that the push for embryonic stem cell technology is totally unnecessary and ideologically, not medically, driven.

Don't forget this very important chart for any who think embryonic stem cell research is now, or has been medically beneficial.


USA's Youth Surveyed

Click here to read what one survey found made most American youths happiest.

You might be really surprised.

I was encouraged by this part:
"Less than half strongly believe that their religious beliefs are true and universal and that other religious beliefs are not right (31 percent), while 68 percent follow their own religious beliefs but think that other religious beliefs could be true as well."

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Jimmy Carter @ Willow Creek

Click here to read an article about former president Jimmy Carter being a featured guest at Willow Creek's 2007 leadership conference.


Happy Birthday!!!

For all you history buffs, or more likely those you who saw, or should still see, Amazing Grace: The Movie, I thought you might want to know that Friday marks William Wilberforce's 248th birthday.

May God give our churches and our culture more men like him.



I found out today that iTunes has finally listed to all the recommendations I made (and others I'm sure), and they put the entire West Coast Revival CD in their music store.

I've been listening to it all day!!!

Also, thank you to my friend Al Moore for making me aware that Sovereign Grace Ministries is now offering all of their mp3 sermons for free.

Here are just a few of the dozens speakers with free sermons to download:

Mark Dever
Wayne Grudem
Carolyn Mahaney
C.J. Mahaney
John MacArthur
Al Mohler
John Piper
David Powlison
R.C. Sproul
Bruce Ware

I hope you're life is enriched by these many of the other excellent resources on this site. Also, if you have any suggestions about speakers or sermons on the SGM site please leave them in the comments. Thank you.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm So Sorry

For the few of you that check this blog regularly, I want to apologize for not posting much recently.

I got back from Ukraine totally jet-lagged, sick and exhausted, and then last week Tuesday I started a new job as Young Adults Pastor at Compass Bible Church, in Aliso Viejo, California.

I am very excited and very scared (20% vs. 80%)--but thankfully, I have many good friends praying and a very good God who commands me to cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us (1 Pet 5:7). What a TREMENDOUS promise that is!

Tonight was our first meeting. 10 highly committed people showed up (I was SO happy), and I interviewed them concerning what the college and career ministry has been, what they did well, and what they needed work on.

It seemed to be very beneficial for them, and it certainly was for me. I learned a lot, and hope to learn more as we do this more, and as we research other groups in the area and around the country.

If anyone is actually reading this blog anymore, please please please leave me some suggestions for what to do from here. ANYTHING is greatly appreciated.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Home From Zhytomyr!!!

I've been home from Ukraine for almost two weeks now, but there has been a couple very good reasons why I have not posted anything here. I was severely jet-lagged for over a week, and I got sick there on the last night and brought it back with me. My cough still hasn't healed!

However, the real reason I have not posted anything here is to see if what took place there would wear off. I had an absolutely incredible time in Zhytomyr, Ukraine.

I landed on Saturday July 21st, and preached two sermons the next day totally jet-lagged. Then, for the leadership camp the first week I preached on Monday night, three times on Tuesday, three times on Wednesday, four times on Thursday, and three times on Friday. By Friday night I was totally exhausted, but at the same time thrilled at what God had done and was doing--and had a very funny night trying to speak Russian.

I had Saturday off, and on the second Sunday I preached two sermons again. Then, I preached once a day for the next five days at the evangelistic camp. God blessed that week incredibly as many were challenged and He even saved some 15-20 kids through the preaching of His Word day after day.

I absolutely loved the people of Christmas Church in Zhytomyr (pic of church above). I was treated like a family member. My main interpreter and I hit it off instantly. Everyone was completely encouraging and responsive (for the most part) to my feeble attempts to serve them. They wanted me to play every game, and do every activity. Many tried to talk with me even though it was hard for them (most if not all school kids have to learn English), and impossible for me. One brother made sure I was fully involved in almost everything they did at both camps. There were even two very dear friends that tried to teach me Russian, which really made me feel like I was one of their own (even though I had NO CLUE what they were saying 99.99% of the time). It was so nice to be around Christians that were so hospitable and kind and selfless.

Couple all that with the vast amount of talent and the many needs I saw within the church itself and I just fell in love with everything and everyone. At the end of the second week, I simply did not want to leave. I secretly hoped we'd get in a car accident or miss our flight so that we could stay just one more day. I don't think I've ever been used by God the way I was during those two weeks, and I don't think my heart has ever been so knit to another group of believers like it was to those in Zhytomyr.

Like I said, I haven't written about the trip sooner because I wanted to see if all this would wear off, but it hasn't. I was asked by many if I would come back next summer, and I don't know what the future holds, but I hope and pray that God will use me there again and for many summers to come. I can't thank Him enough for all He did there, I can't thank my friends Vitali and Michael for inviting me and making everything happen so smoothly, and I can't thank the people of Zhytomyr enough for the tremendous blessing they were, and still are, to me.

Finally, many of you prayed for the whole trip, and I hope this post conveys, even a little bit, what it was you prayed for. I am convinced that God used you personally to do what took place there, and for that I can't thank you enough. God used you mightily to do things you'll never know about this side of glory.

For those who are interested, I posted about 150 pictures of the trip here.
