Home From Zhytomyr!!!
However, the real reason I have not posted anything here is to see if what took place there would wear off. I had an absolutely incredible time in Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
I landed on Saturday July 21st, and preached two sermons the next day totally jet-lagged. Then, for the leadership camp the first week I preached on Monday night, three times on Tuesday, three times on Wednesday, four times on Thursday, and three times on Friday. By Friday night I was totally exhausted, but at the same time thrilled at what God had done and was doing--and had a very funny night trying to speak Russian.
I had Saturday off, and on the second Sunday I preached two sermons again. Then, I preached once a day for the next five days at the evangelistic camp. God blessed that week incredibly as many were challenged and He even saved some 15-20 kids through the preaching of His Word day after day.
Couple all that with the vast amount of talent and the many needs I saw within the church itself and I just fell in love with everything and everyone. At the end of the second week, I simply did not want to leave. I secretly hoped we'd get in a car accident or miss our flight so that we could stay just one more day. I don't think I've ever been used by God the way I was during those two weeks, and I don't think my heart has ever been so knit to another group of believers like it was to those in Zhytomyr.
Like I said, I haven't written about the trip sooner because I wanted to see if all this would wear off, but it hasn't. I was asked by many if I would come back next summer, and I don't know what the future holds, but I hope and pray that God will use me there again and for many summers to come. I can't thank Him enough for all He did there, I can't thank my friends Vitali and Michael for inviting me and making everything happen so smoothly, and I can't thank the people of Zhytomyr enough for the tremendous blessing they were, and still are, to me.
Finally, many of you prayed for the whole trip, and I hope this post conveys, even a little bit, what it was you prayed for. I am convinced that God used you personally to do what took place there, and for that I can't thank you enough. God used you mightily to do things you'll never know about this side of glory.
For those who are interested, I posted about 150 pictures of the trip here.
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