Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Grandpa Update

Thank you all for your prayers on my grandpa's behalf. He gained 2 lbs. since last week (Hooray!!!), had a good report from the doctor about his blood work and is doing better than the doctor expected.

Thursday is the big day when he, or really we start chemotherapy. His appointment is at 8am (Pacific Standard Time) and should last around 2 hours. This is when he gets his big dose, followed by four smaller doses at home this week.

Thank you for your prayers. His energy is up. He's eating, walking around and for the past two days he's been sitting outside for an hour or so in the sun.

God has been so kind in saving my grandpa, seeing him through his surgery, strengthening his body and deepening his resolve.

Please continue to pray for his health, both physical and spiritual, and for us, especially my mom, as we help him through some very difficult days ahead. Any advice you might give would be a huge blessing and greatly appreciated.



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