Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Dilemma of Santa

For many people, telling their children the "lie" about the existence and benevolence of Santa Claus is a real dilemma. At this point, if I had kids I don't think I'd start the whole Santa thing, but I'm open to being persuaded otherwise.

However, one of those who takes an opposite view, which he outlines and defends here, is radio talk show host Dennis Prager.

Now, even though I'm not convinced by his arguments (and maybe I'll spend some time blogging about what I think later), that's not why I bring this up. While listening to part of his show this morning a caller made the following observation that he called the Four Stages of Santa:

Stage #1: I believe in Santa.
Stage #2: I don't believe in Santa.
Stage #3: I am Santa.
Stage #4: I'm fat like Santa.



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