Friday, December 15, 2006

Grandpa Update


Yesterday, my grandpa received his biopsy information.

One lobe of his liver has cancer, and 31 of 32 lymph nodes tested positive for cancer.

He did not take that news very well. On top of that, he's now down to 160. He hasn't been that weight since high school over 60 years ago.

Please keep praying. Even say a quick pray for him right now. Thanks.


My grandpa Hoover goes to the doctor tomorrow to hear about the next step in his fight against his cancer. I think we will find out about the biopsy of his liver, and the condition of his gall bladder and pancreas.

Please pray for his newfound trust in Christ, and that he'll be emboldened to fight, whatever the news, rather than discouraged and ready to give up.

I truly believe this fight is mental and spiritual just as much as it is physical. Trust in God, support from his family and from all of you who are praying means a tremendous amount.

Having a strong support system, I'm beginning to think, is almost if not just as important as having a strong immune system in one's fight against cancer so thank you for being that for him and us.



At 12/19/2006 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoover may have cancer in his cells but he has Jesus in his heart. Awesome tradeoff considering where he was a couple weeks ago. Praise Him who hears our prayers.


Still praying for his health...


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