Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Grandpa Update

Please keep praying. My grandpa is getting increasingly weak and nauseous.

We're hoping they can schedule the surgery sooner than Dec. 1st because of his condition worsening, but so far no luck.

Also, he is taking to watching religious television, which is both bad (because of all the garbage on there) and good because occasionally they gospel is preached.

I've talked with him before about Christ and given him things to read, so please pray that I'll have just the right words to say at just the right time.


UPDATE: My grandpa just got off the phone with the doctor who said the cancer had spread to his liver. Please please please keep praying.


UPDATE: After doing some research, it seems liver cancer is quite treatable since it is a secondary, not primary, cancer in my grandpa. We'll know more on Saturday when we speak to the surgeon. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Please keep praying, please, please, please.


UPDATE: Also, my grandpa is having a lot of trouble sleeping. Please pray that he'll start having restful sleeps. Thanks.



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