Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Preached @ TMC!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

I just wanted to let you know that God REALLY used your prayers today at The Master's College. When I got there the guy who plans the chapels, Pete, said "When John MacArthur found out a TMS grad was speaking he decided to be here," to which I literally screamed "What!?!" as my stomach dropped. He was just kidding though (ha ha, reeeeeeally funny!)--thank God (you notice yet that I struggle with the fear of man?).

Just so you know, I scrapped Psalm 100 (I just couldn't make it work no matter how hard I tried) and instead spoke from John 13:34-35 on the absolute, unquestionable necessity of Christians to love every Christian...period! I tried really hard (which means I got little sleep last night) to be accurate with what I was saying about the text, as well as clear, passionate, persuasive and practical.

Well, in God's kindness I got some good feedback from a small handful of students, my friend Austin who made this all possible got some good feedback and Pete told me he and the school really needed that message and he told me he'd love for me to come preach again next semester.

He and I got to talking more about some of his church experiences and some of my experiences at TMS, and then out of the blue he asked if I'd speak at the Truth & Life Conference in January--a yearly conference for college students that he told me attracts between 1 and 2000 (this year's line up is John MacArthur, David Wells and James MacDonald). So, it looks like I'll be doing a workshop there next year!

All the while, Pete's asking me to speak at Truth & Life and explaining the conference and I'm thinking "What in the world is happening right now?" I don't know what God's up to and I do not consider myself worthy in the least to be doing any preaching from God's Word, let alone at this conference or any conference, but I want to make sure all of you know how grateful I am for you, your prayers and your support.

In a very real sense, you were a blessing to the students and faculty of TMC this morning too because of your prayers for them and me.

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At 11/21/2007 6:35 AM, Blogger Al Moore said...


I just subscribed to the TMC Podcast so I can listen when they put it up.

Take care brother.



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