Friday, April 27, 2007

Witnessing To Mormons (Pt 1)

For my personal studies I decided that among other things I'd devote the first six months of the year to a cult and the last six to a world religion. Mormonism is my cult until July 1st, and I just finished reading the truly excellent Mormonism 101. Click here to read why I think it's sooooo good.

In my first installment of witnessing tactics gleaned from Mormonism 101 I give you this famous quote from Brigham Young:
"Take up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter-day Saints with it, and see if it will stand the test. The doctrine that we preach is the doctrine of the Bible, it is the doctrine the Lord has revealed for the salvation of the children of God, and when men, who have once obeyed it, deny it, they deny it with their eyes wide open, and knowing that they deny the truth and set at naught the counsels of the Almighty" (Discourses of Brigham Young, 126).
Ask the Mormon if they've followed this command from their prophet. Ask them to demonstrate whether what he says here is actually true. Ask them to demonstrate how what they believe about God, Jesus, sin, the gospel and salvation compare with what the Bible says about these critical topics.

If they avoid this, and punt to their "burning in the bosom" or some other supernatural "experience" for proof that Mormonism is truth, should they even be listened to at the outset?

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