Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Read Mormonism 101

Because my grandpa's girlfriend is a Mormon and I want her to be saved, I've taken a short break from my regular reading to reacquaint myself with Mormonism.

In order to do this, I know of no better book than Mormonism 101 by Bill McKeever (founder of the best Mormon evangelism ministry I know of called Mormonism Research Ministry, mrm.org) and Eric Johnson. For more excellent resources than just this book, click here.

The book is easy to read and McKeever and Johnson spend the bulk of their time quoting Mormon sources on every point. This means they do a very good job of not beating up straw men with their arguments.

I've read about 100 pages so far and am reaffirmed in my conviction that despite all the PR to the contrary, Mormonism and Christianity are exact opposites. It has a completely different God, completely different Jesus, completely different Bible and completely different gospel.

With that, I am stunned that Apostle Bruce McConkie writes in Mormon Doctrine: "Mormonism is Christianity; Christianity is Mormonism; they are one and the same" (513).

They use all the same words, but give them radically different and even contradictory meanings. If you say "I know Jon B." but when asked to describe him you tell of him being an R&B singer you've got the wrong guy.

In the same way, Mormons may say "I believe in Jesus" but when asked to describe Jesus they directly oppose the idea that He is God in the flesh, second person of the Trinity whose death on the cross paid the debt for ALL our sins, and that the benefits of His death are received by faith alone.

Call Mormonism what you want, but you cannot honestly call it Christian when it's Christianity's opposite. If you want to know more, get this book and read it.

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