Friday, May 04, 2007

17 Year-Old Iraqi Girl Stoned for Falling in Love with the Wrong Guy

This is an article about the "honor" killing of a 17 year-old Iraqi girl who fell in love with a guy from a different sect of Islam than her family.

On this note, I heard an excellent presentation from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. (which you can download here) this week by Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo on the theology and practice of contemporary Islam.

The more I've thought about it the more I tend to agree with him that the problem we're facing in the war on terror is NOT radical Islam, or Islamo-fascism, or fundamentalist Muslims (it doesn't matter what synonym you use).

The problem we're facing is not even Muslims per say, but it is Islam itself.

I may say more about this later, but for now the gist of Dr. Sookhdeo's argument is that Islam is not a religion in the sense that Americans understand religion. Instead, Islam is a religio-political belief system that fuses religion AND politics. In direct contradiction to what we have here, the two aren't separate in Islam. They are one.

Until we realize this, our country's war on terror is going to continue to be very difficult.



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