Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sin as Medicine

In Augustine's Confessions (Book 6, paragraph 9), he makes this very insightful statement about how past sin can be used for future good in the heart and life of his friend Alypius:
"But this was all being stored up in his memory as medicine for the future."
The "this" is referring to Alypius' fall into temptation after he trusted in his own wit, ability and power to fight the sins of going to and enjoying the gladiatorial games (click here to read Augustine's recounting of Alypius' "this").

I did some Bible study on Proverb 11:2 today where the first line reads "When pride comes, then comes dishonor." Alypius' dishonor, his falling into sin and temptation--even before his watching and unbelieving friends, let alone his watching God--came as a result of his pride.

However, when we fall into sin Augustine tells us how we can use past sin, not to further condemn ourselves which is what we typically do, but to fight it. Used wisely, this sin could become, and Augustine was sure it would become, "medicine" to fight future infections of pride in Alypius' heart.

Think of your most recent sin. Got it? Now, picture yourself walking into the same situation again. I hate thinking of this, but its important. Augustine taught his friend and is teaching us 1600 years later that past sins can fight future sins. A fall in the past can keep us from falling in the future. Use past sins to fortify you against future sins, which over time works to kill sin in our hearts.

In a word from those funny Guinness bear commercials, "Brilliant!"

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