Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hardened by Grace

In my Bible reading today, I read the following:
"when the wicked sprouted up like grass
And all who did iniquity flourished,
It was only that they might be destroyed forevermore" (Psalm 92:7).
This reminded me of conversations I've had with Christians who work in the world and don't understand why unbelievers prosper so much while openly and secretly being opposed to God. And conversely, unbelievers would look at Christians struggling and conclude Christianity is a farce for weaklings.

Sadly, the same success that humbles the Christian can have a hardening effect on unbelievers. The more they go up the ladder of success, the farther they are from hitting the bottom where true repentance and faith are found.

A similar idea is in 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 where the same gospel message will BOTH save some AND harden others.

God's universal grace (e.g., success in life) and His particular grace (e.g., in the gospel) become means by which unbelievers move farther and farther away from God as a response to His grace.

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