Sunday, January 21, 2007

Culture: Horrific Anniversary

34 years ago, January 22, 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States. I thank God my pastor mentioned this horrific anniversary from the pulpit this morning and prayed for young women, the city and our nation.

Did you know that today, 46 million abortions will take place around the world (click here for more stats)? That's over 126,000 every day! Over 5000 per hour! Almost 90 abortions every minute!!! In the US, that's 3700 every day or 154 every hour, making a woman's womb--not some slum or ghetto--the most dangerous place in America.

But, what is abortion? I asked my class of 35 Christian college students and not one of them knew what it was. So, I described it. In particular, I described partial birth abortion, something they had no clue about, though they'd all heard the word, but thought this was a political, not moral issue.

I don't apologize for the photos. After seeing an abortion video at a Stand to Reason Master's Series some year ago, I was forever changed. I am convinced that we're not more outraged by abortion because its been conveniently couched as a political rather than moral issue in the public square. And, as a political issue its easy to keep a safe, intellectually detached distance from it.

Pictures don't let you do that. We hate the holocaust because of the pictures. We hate Darfur because of the pictures. We hate Rawanda because of the pictures.

Pictures tell us what's really going on with no bias or filter. It's raw and real, and only when you have the truth, in this case only when you know what abortion really is and does, can you make an informed decision about the rightness or wrongness of this moral issue.

Finally, if you want more information about abortion, especially how to explain and defend the pro-life cause, please please PLEASE take advantage of this free offer from Stand To Reason.

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