Friday, October 27, 2006


Whether it's pop culture spokesmouths like Bill Maher and Rosie O'Donnell, or authors like Andrew Sullivan, Michelle Goldberg, and James Rubin, a cultural consensus is forming that evangelical Christianity in the US is dangerous.

This is due in large part to misunderstanding biblical Christianity, and to linking psychotic fringe elements--whether those in the past or today--with the mainstream.

However, it also seems stems from the linking of our public policy positions with our view of objective morality--the secularist's whipping boy who has been beaten for decades with the lashes of pluralism and the new tolerance.

In the absense of an objective morality, we are seen as self-righteously and intolerantly forcing our religious views of abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, Islam, porography and stem-cell research on people (by the way, Christians are opposed to embryonic stem-cell research, not stem-cell research in general--I can't stand it when secularists don't make this distinction when describing Christians).

However, it does not take a genius to see that these secularists end up being the most self-righteous, intolerant, close-minded and bigotted of all in their attempt to keep Christians from freely speaking in the market place of ideas.

With one of their typical techniques, they use an epitaph like "theocracy," or "racist," or "homophob" to avoid all discourse and debate--in effect, shouting down all opposing positions without raising their voice and with a smile on their face.

Click the title above if you want to read a recent article about theopanic, and then tell us what you think.

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